Monday, October 5, 2009

The Good Life

Hello my peeps :D
All is well at the Wilkinson household. We're a few weeks into the semester and back to our normal routine. Nate's busy working, keeping up with his church calling, and keeping up with school. Me? I'm busy keeping up with school. I don't know how I got lucky enough to get out of those first two that Nate is busy with. :) I've taken up volunteering for the hospital here to build up my resume. I've been assigned to volunteer in the infection control department. Sounds exciting huh? Well, I'll keep you thinking those exciting thoughts. I'll start volunteering next week probably since I have to get tests done before I'm allowed to start volunteering. Nate has started an intramural soccer team...Team Nate. I'm just glad he didn't come up with a name like Team Edward...but I think he's more Team Jacob. The team won their first game 5-2! Of course I'm not playing, I just sit in the stands and freeze my butt off! Yes freeze! Winter has officially begun, and has seemed to skip fall all together. It snowed basically ALL day today. Anyway, that's the quick update for us. We'll try to blog again this month, but no promises since we don't have a very exciting life. We don't want to bore you!