Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I'm pretty sure no one reads my boring posts, so I feel that I can put anything up here. Throughout the 2+ years that we have been married I have learned that Nate has become entitled to all of my crap and vice versa. However, I'm not really interested in his xbox and FUN video games. I've had a twin brother my whole life, so you'd think I'd be use to sharing. Not really, he always had his own stuff, I had my own. Now is the time that I've been learning about full-on sharing. I'm not liking it so much. I want to work out...he has my IPod so I can't listen to music. For those of you who think this is not needed, IT IS. I need music to work out. Period. I want to go somewhere...he has the car at school. So basically, this is me ranting. I was thinking though, is everything his for the taking now though??? Hmmm, tampons. I still have claim to my dear, dear tampons. So I can be frustrated that nothing is no longer "mine" or I can embrace the fact that I still have my tampons. And to end this ingenious thought, I will leave you with a picture of my favorite tampons. :)


Becky said...

HAHAHA You hold on to those tampons!

Carrie said...

I love reading your blog! If Nate starts using your make-up, let me know. We will have an intervention!Doesn't he have an i-pod? He must really like your music!

Nathan and Ashley said...

Nate does like his skin care products...jk. He doesn't have an Ipod, he has a Zune which just recently decided to break. He likes the wi-fi and apps on my Ipod.

Amber said...

You crack me up! I grew up with lots of sisters so I finally have things that are just mine. You'll get used to hiding things you don't want to share haha!

Nathan and Ashley said...

Hey babe, I got a bloody nose... where do you keep the tampons?

Nathan and Ashley said...

I was gonna say I'm not going to share the tampons even if you get a bloody nose. Decided not to, I'm not sure why. Probably to let you get your comment in.

Brady & Kelsey said...

hahaha this makes me giggle :)

Terri Lindsay said...

I read your blog all the time!!! I just never post. But that was funny.